  • Michell密析尔 MDM50便携式露点湿度仪

    Michell密析尔 MDM50便携式露点湿度仪

    Michell密析尔 MDM50便携式露点湿度仪MDM 50 一款紧凑型、使用方便,相应速度快,内置完整的取样系统的湿度仪,并可溯源到国家标准技术指标测量原理 高分子聚合物电容测量范围 –50 ~ +20°Cdp精度 ±2°Cdp工作时长 12 ~ 16 小时充电时间 *长充电时间为16小时流量 1 ~ 5 Nl/分钟输入 4–20 mA **负载电阻 400 Ω供电 镍氢充电电池带充电器工作温度 –20 ~ +50°C贮存温度 –40 ~ +75°C显示 3.5 位数字 LED 显示过滤器 99.5 %的过滤3微米(0.3μm)的颗粒,出厂时已经装有过滤器盒,可定购备用盒(编号: SSF-PF-10PK)采样管路 低压版本:2m长,外径为 6mm 的聚四氟乙烯管子高压版本:计量阀和转接头
  • EdgeTech DewMaster冷镜式湿度计露点仪

    EdgeTech DewMaster冷镜式湿度计露点仪

    EdgeTech DewMaster 冷镜式湿度计 EdgeTech,DewMaster露点仪,DM-C1-DS1,DM-C1-S1,DM-C1-S2SC,精密露点仪,进口露点仪测量露点,**压力,ppmv的等焓湿参数EdgeTech DewMaster冷镜式露点湿度计能够测量露点,**压力,PPMv和其他心理测量变量。 EdgeTech DewMaster配有单级,双级和三级冷镜,可分别实现45°C,65°C和90°C温度范围,温度范围可达-75°C至100°C。 自动平衡控制(ABC)可自动校正大多数镜面污染物并重新标准化仪器。EdgeTech DewMaster的其他功能包括串行和模拟输入以及RS232通信。 双重报警功能,用户可编程,可设置锁定或自动复位模式。 EdgeTech DewMaster上的RS232通信允许远程编程和数据输出,例如露点和报警状态。防爆传感器外壳可作为EdgeTech DewMaster露点湿度计的选件。 压力传感器输入包含在单位中用于湿度变量。EdgeTech经过现场验证的冷镜技术。一个,两个或三个传感器可用 - 与控制器集成或远程控制。NIST可溯源校准证书。抑郁范围选择45,65或95°C。 (一,二或三级冷却)自动平衡控制(ABC)自动纠正大多数镜面污染物。自动重新标准化仪器。为了**的方便,你选择重新标准化的时间和间隔。增加无人值守操作的长度。双重报警功能用户可编程。可以设置为锁定或自动重置模式。形式C更大的多功能性。串行和模拟输出。与终端,打印机或计算机的RS232通信远程编程。数据输出,如露点和报警状态。0-5VDC,4-20mA,0-10VDC或0-20mA用户可扩展以驱动外围设备。同时提供,每个测量参数一个输出。可在整个湿度变量的整个操作范围内进行扩展。通过前面板或远程串行端口编程。用于湿度变量的压力传感器输入。露点/霜点和RH范围在25°C-40至95°C(-40至203°F)(S2和DS2)空气中的-60至95°C(-76至203°F)(S3)液体(S3)上的-75至95℃(-103至203℉)0至100%RH0至999,999 PPMv准确性±0.2°C(0.36°F)露点/霜点满量程压力的±0.5%萧条65°C(117°F)(S2&DS2)95°C(171°F)(S3)萧条压制率**1.7°C(3°F)/秒,高于0°C远程传感器长达75米(250英尺)解析度0.1°C或°F0.01磅/平方英寸0.1 PPMv <1000PPMv1 PPMv 1000 PPMv空气温度传感器范围-100至250°C(-148至482°F)ATDM精度±0.1°C订货型号举例:DM-S2DM-S2SCDM-S3DM-DS2-RKDM-X3DM-X3FDM-X3SFDM-X3LCDM-N-S2DM-RMDM-S2DM-PMDM-S2DM-S2-SA/.1DM-S2-RC2-SA/.1DM-S2-RC2-ATDM-SA/.1DM-S2-RC2-ATDM-PTDM25-SA/.1DM-S2-RC2-ATDM-PPM-SA/.1DM-S2SS-RC2-ATDM-PPM-SA/.1DM-S2PT-RC2-ATDM-PPM-SA/.1DM-S2SC-ATDM-PPMDM-S3-ATDM-PPMDM-DS2-RK-ATDM-PPMDM-X3-ATDM-PPMDM-X3F-ATDM-PPMDM-X3SF-ATDM-PPMDM-X3LC-ATDM-PPM选型报价,或技术问题咨询,请致电销售工程师:13402037392,郭工上海时滨电子科技有限公司优势代理美国Edgetech冷镜露点仪、Edgetech冷镜湿度计、Edgetech在线冷镜露点仪、Edgetech台式冷镜露点仪、Edgetech冷镜露点湿度计产品。欢迎致电咨询:13402037392(同微信)郭先生,QQ:2932676006Edgetech产品目录:EDGETECH 137飞机湿度计Edgetech 137-A1 冷镜露点传感器组件,微型探头:单级(45C Depression)EDGETECH 137-A3冷镜露点传感器组件,微型探头:三级(65C Depression)EDGETECH 137-AS/L飞机采样系统EDGETECH 137-AS/R飞机采样系统EDGETECH 1500-AC电池供电湿度计系统; 90-260VAC 47-400HZEDGETECH 1500 AC-DS1冷镜露点传感器,插入探头:单级(45C Depression)EDGETECH 1500-AC-DS2冷镜露点传感器,插入探头:两级(60C Depression)EDGETECH 1500-AC-S1冷镜露点传感器组件,流过:单级(45C Depression)EDGETECH 1500-AC-S2传感器组件,流过:两级(65C Depression)EDGETECH 1500-AC S2SC传感器组件,流过:两级(65C Depression)自冷EDGETECH 1500-AC-S3传感器组件,流过:三级(95℃ Depression)(要求型号1500-C2)EDGETECH 1500-DC电池供电湿度计系统,115-230VAC,50-600Hz的EDGETECH 1500 DC-DS1冷镜露点传感器装配插入探头:单级(45C Depression)EDGETECH 1500-DC-DS2冷镜露点传感器组件插入探头:两级(60C Depression)EDGETECH 1500-DC-S1冷镜露点传感器组件,流过:单级(45C Depression)EDGETECH 1500-DC-S2冷镜露点传感器组件,两级(65C Depression)EDGETECH 1500-DC S2SC冷镜露点传感器,流过:两级(65C Depression)自冷EDGETECH 1500-DC-S3冷镜露点传感器组件,流过:三级(95℃ Depression)EDGETECH 1500-DS1冷镜露点传感器装配插入探头:单级(45°C Depression)EDGETECH 1500-DS2冷镜露点传感器组件插入探头:单级6(60°C Depression)EDGETECH 1500-PT压力传感器套件,LIVE的压力,包括接口板和软件EDGETECH 1500-S2冷镜露点传感器组件,流过:两级65°C(抑郁症)EDGETECH 1500 S2SC冷镜露点传感器组件,流过:两级(65°C Depression) 自冷却EDGETECH 1500-S3冷镜露点传感器组件,流过:三级(95℃ Depression)(要求型号1500-C2)EDGETECH 1500S1冷镜露点传感器组件,流过:单级(45℃ Depression)EDGETECH 16TDP氧气和露点分析仪EDGETECH 200M气象湿度系统EDGETECH 200M-D1传感器安装探头:单级(45C Depression)EDGETECH 200M-D2传感器安装探头:两级(60C Depression)EDGETECH 200M-PCB控制单元电路板EDGETECH 650-C1手持仪表记录仪,湿度记录仪EDGETECH 6742露点变送器EDGETECH 6744带LED显示的露点变送器EDGETECH CA压缩空气露点湿度计EDGETECH CA-PT压力传感器套件EDGETECH CA-S1单级传感器组件的CA湿度计(45C Depression)EDGETECH CA-S2SC两级自冷传感器组件EDGETECH CA-S3三级传感器组件(95C Depression)EDGETECH DM DewMaster露点湿度计Edgetech DM-PTDM压力传感器,0-25 PSIA或PSIA 1-150或0-300 PSIAEDGETECH DM-DS1单级传感器组件插入探头(45C Depression)EDGETECH DM-DS2两级传感器组件插入探头(60C)EDGETECH DM-N Dewmaster露点湿度计EDGETECH DM-S1单级传感器组件(45C Depression)EDGETECH DM-S1P单级高压传感器组件EDGETECH DM-S2两级传感器组件(65C Depression)EDGETECH DM-S2P两级高压传感器组件(65C Depression)EDGETECH DM-S2SC的两级自冷传感器组件(65C Depression)EDGETECH DM-S3三级传感器组件(95C Depression)EDGETECH DM-XP防爆传感器外壳,用于S1,S2,S1P和S2PEDGETECH DM-XPC 防爆传感器外壳带冷却的端口用于S1,S2,S1P,S2PEDGETECH DPM-99药用空气露点监视器EDGETECH DPM-99-S1单级传感器组件为DPM-99湿度计(45C Depression)EDGETECH DPM-99-S2两级传感器组件(65C Depression)DPM-99Edgetech DPM-99-S2SC 两级自冷传感器组件EDGETECH DPM-99-S3三级传感器组件(95C Depression)EDGETECH DPS 3YSC 3年的服务合约EDGETECH EC30-CR图表记录仪EDGETECH EC30-DD干燥器耦合与一个不锈钢翅片DX线圈。EDGETECH EC30-GC乙二醇线圈与EC30EDGETECH EC4 4.5立方英尺?工作台校准山中心EDGETECH EC4-BC EC4基本机柜,可调节搁板,台式向站立EDGETECH EC4-CR图表记录仪EDGETECH EC4-DD干燥器耦合带一个不锈钢DX圈EDGETECH EC4-GC乙二醇线圈带EC4EDGETECH EC30-LT10低温度的功能EDGETECH EC4-LT10低温度的功能Edgetech EC4-ZDP 零点漏电选项EDGETECH HT150高温湿度变送器(150℃)EDGETECH HTM-FV便携式露点监控仪带流量阀EDGETECH HTM-VP便携式的露点监控仪,便携式电池供电的露点显示器带真空泵EDGETECH OXYTRAN-EX1防爆氧气变送器0-100 PPMEDGETECH OXYTRAN-EX2防爆氧气变送器0-1,000 PPMEDGETECH OXYTRAN-EX3防爆氧气变送器0-10,000 PPMEDGETECH OXYTRAN-EX防爆氧气变送器0-1%O2EDGETECH OXYTRAN-EX5防爆氧气变送器0-25%O2EDGETECH PP精密压力探头(-40F至+122 F)EDGETECH PPM1微量水分测定仪EDGETECH PPM1 PPMS传感器带样品室EDGETECH PPM2FV便携式电池供电的微量水分测定仪,带流量阀EDGETECH PPM2-VP便携式电池供电的微量水份分析仪,真空泵EDGETECH PS标准压力传感器(-22F至+122 F)EDGETECH RH CAL便携式相对湿度校准仪EDGETECH TKS露点湿度计系统EDGETECH TKS-3YSC三年服务合同的EDGETECH TKS-C1露点湿度计系统,无真空泵EDGETECH TKS-PT压力传感器套件EDGETECH TKS-S1单级传感器组件插入探头(45C Depression)EDGETECH TKS-S2 两级传感器组件插入探头(60C)
  • Panametrics DewPro MMY30回路供电的露点变送器

    Panametrics DewPro MMY30回路供电的露点变送器

    Panametrics DewPro MMY30回路供电的露点变送器GE General Eastern Panametrics DewPro MMY30,是一款由环路供电的露点变送器。 DewProMMY30是专门为满足干燥空气干燥机市场的需求而设计的。由于“三合一概念”,MMY30露点变送器在市场上是****的。传感器,样品调节系统和2线制环路供电的变送器包含在一种紧凑型设计中。根据入口或出口处校准孔口配件的位置,可以在大气压或线压下进行测量。 DewPro MMY30露点变送器既可以安装在集管出口或吹扫排气管线中,则可以精确控制干燥塔的切换并持续管理供气和能源使用。其他应用也可能适用于MMY30。DewPro MMY30系列的露点变送器探头可作为选件显示在露点温度或ppm-v下的测量值。此外,它们提供了用于调整MMY30功能的用户界面。 DewPro MMY30设计为本质安全型,可通过制造商声明在区域2中安装。DewPro MMY30露点变送器的应用•空气干燥机控制•仪器空气控制•工艺气体制造特征•简单的4-20 mA两线制连接•快速响应平面传感器•整体过滤和流量调节•室内或室外无故障安装•NEMA 4X(IP66)外壳中的微处理器•FM认证(1类)– 2类标准


    VMA‒GETZMANN DISPERMAT R30 搅拌器产品体积高达 12 升的小型强大实验室搅拌器DISPERMAT®typePowerkWSpeedrpmTorqueNmProduct volumelitreStirrer DISPERMAT® R300.30 – 400020.04 – 12 功率:0.3千瓦产品 : 0.04 - 12 升控制:R [Basic]德国创新:结合模块化分散和精细研磨系统,DISPERMAT R30 搅拌器变为 CDS 真空分散系统。带有不锈钢工作平台和集成电子设备的搅拌器R30 配备安静的高扭矩马达,即使在高粘度下也非常适合混合、均质和悬浮应用。根据应用,有多种混合工具可供选择,包括蝶形叶片、溶解盘、3 臂叶片等。R30 搅拌器具有简单的容器夹紧装置和电动支架,可上下移动电机。位置便利的不锈钢控制面板具有数字速度显示以及速度控制、高度调节开关和电源开/关。由于电力电子设备集成在控制外壳中,因此不需要单独的开关柜。DISPERMAT R30 搅拌器配备了 R 技术速度数字显示无级变速调节电动高度调节开关紧急关闭开关适应性系统灵活的。强大的。创新的。德国创新:结合模块化分散和精细研磨系统,DISPERMAT R30 搅拌器变为 CDS 真空分散系统。CDS真空分散系统DISPERMAT 分散机的模块化真空系统CDS 真空分散系统使分散过程能够在完全封闭的真空系统中进行。

SE International GAMMA PAL Portable Radiation Analysis LaboratorySE International GAMMA PAL 便携式辐射分析实验室GammaPAL / Portable Radiation Analysis LaboratoryThe GammaPAL is your all-in-one sampling kit for radiation safety, the ideal instrument for detecting con***ination in food, soil, and water. A portable laboratory containing all the items you need for sampling in the field or from a stationary base of operations. The GammaPAL is a complete measuring system for analyzing radiation con***ination in milk, meat, fish, grain, fruit, and vegetables, as well as in air swipes, soil samples, and other materials.Kit Includes:URSA-II Multi Channel Analyzer w/ GammaPAL SoftwareOne 2X2 Nal Detector w/ C-C cableTDS Nomad 900LE w/ Bar Code Scanner and Serial BootCarries 10 Empty Screw Top Marinelli BeakersLead Marinelli Shield Case1 Marinelli with K40 reference standard5000g Tempered Digital ScaleSieve for Sample CollectionSmall Hand ShoveliM3075 StormCase w WheelsInspector Survey Meter w/ Wipe Test PlateSwipesFeatures: Inspector survey meter with wipe test plate and swipes for preliminary testing, a rugged Nomad Pocket PC with bar code scanner for easily labeling samples, tools for sample collection, and screw top marinelli beakers for sample storage.Our GM based detectors are ideal for a number of applications, ranging from surface con***ination and sampling to personal and environmental monitoring. For detecting con***ination in food, soil, and water and to accurately quantify and qualify the results, you need a scintillation detector. Many scintillation devices with this capacity cost upwards of tens of thousands of dollars. The GammaPAL can provide these capabilities for much less.Radioactive material in the sample is detected with a 2x2 sodium iodide scintillation probe using a Marinelli geometry for soil, water, and bulk samples or a 2-inch filter geometry for wipes and air samples.The 500ml beaker is placed in a 1-inch thick lead shield. Depending on the sampling time and the isotope, the detection limit is approximately 2.5-100 Bq/l and can easily identify concentrations of Iodine 131, Cesium 134, and Cesium 137.SpecificationDetector:2 X 2 Nal Detector w/ 3ft. C-C cableTypical FWHM:7.5% - 9%.Display:TDS Nomad 900LE w/ Bar Code Scanner and Serial BootSpectrum Analyzer:URSA-II Multi Channel Analyzer w/ GammaPAL SoftwareTotal Kit Size:33.30” x 24.40” x 19.30 inches (84.5 x 62 x 49 cm)Total Weight:110lbs (49.895kg)Power Requirements:URSA-II - External 12VDC power supply, six "AA" NiMH rechargeable batteries (included) with recharging internally, or six standard alkaline "AA" batteries. External 12VDC power jack allows instrument to plug into vehicle. "Fast Charge" of NiMH batteries can also be selected. The URSA-II is fully portable with four hours of battery life and PPC Compatibility

SE International URSAII Universal Radiation Spectrum AnalyzerSE International URSAII 通用辐射频谱分析仪URSA II / Universal Radiation Spectrum AnalyzerThe URSA II, with a full-featured MCA program, can be used with practically any radiation detector and can extract any data your detector can supply! It has been designed taking into account comments and requests from our current URSA customers. URSA-II MCA, the all-new fully, quantitative Windows™ based URSA-II software package has been designed for ease of use in a 32-bit Windows™ environment. Software also includes URSA-II for PPC software to run the URSA-II using a Windows Mobile™ Device (Jornada, iPAQ, TDS Recon, etc.) running WindowsCE™ or Windows Mobile™. The Software can be installed on as many computers as you like, with no restrictions and includes free software updates.Specific applications include:Bulk sample analysisAir sample analysisWipe sample analysisThyroid assayCompliance monitoringEnvironmental monitoringNuclear medicineIdentification of unknown nuclidesRemote monitoringHealth physicsHomeland defensePortal monitoringEducationSoftware Includes:Fully editable standard libraries include all 497 isotopes listed in "Kocher's Radioactive Decay Tables."Multi-channel scaling mode, peak search and identify, quantification based on ROIs or peaks search.Dual-channel emulator allows use with gas proportional or phoswich detectors as a "gross alpha/beta" counter-scaler.Sophisticated multiple alarm functions are based on the overall count rate, individual ROIs, exceeding a specific rate or an increase in rate over a specific time interval. Alarms can trigger external devices.Provisions are included for acquiring and saving spectra repeatedly and continuously while unattended. Spectra can be saved and reloaded to "live" for re-analysis or additional data accumulation, or loaded as a background spectrum. Saved spectra can be superimposed on the "active" spectrum for comparison. Spectrum format is easily accessible by a spreadsheet program. All reports can be previewed, printed, or saved as text or rich text files."ASCII" mode allows control of and data collection from the URSA-II with user's own software or hardware.

SE International Monitor 4 & 4EC / Analog Radiation Detector - a ß y xSE International M4 & M4EC / Analog Radiation Detector - a ß y xSE International M4 & M4EC / 模拟辐射探测器 - a ß y xM4 和 M4EC 是紧凑的、 符合人体工程学的一般目的调查米能够检测 α、 β、 γ、 x 射线超过 3 的可选范围。红色计数灯闪烁,提示音听起来与每个检测到的事件。监视器 4EC 提供一种更线性阅读的伽马射线和 x 射线 (40 以上千电子伏)。探测器显示器 4:卤素淬火无偿的 GM 管与薄的云母窗口 1.5-2.0 毫克/厘米2厚。窗口的有效直径为 9.1 毫米 (.36 英寸)。监视器 4EC:卤素淬火 GM 管,能量补偿侧壁 2 毫米薄滤波器。薄的云母窗口 1.5-2.0 毫克/厘米2厚。窗口的有效直径为 9.1 毫米 (.36 英寸)。经营范围0.5,0-5 0-50 先生/小时 0-500 0-5,000,0 50,000 CPM 或 0-5,0-50,0-500 率/hr (SI 规模米选项)能源灵敏度1000 CPM/先生/hr (铯 137)。M4EC 是 M4 相同除了通过探测器侧壁伽马射线和 x 射线的能量响应是平内 + 61%或-26%的范围内的 40 keV 到 100 keV,内外 + 35%或-17%的范围内的 100 keV 到 1.3 兆电子伏。M4 & M4EC 米的鳞片如下所示。这两种检测 β 在 50 与典型 35%检测效率和 β 在 150 keV keV 典型检测效率 75%。精度通常 ± 15%以内的阅读 (铯 137)4︰ 检测到阿尔法到 2.5 兆电子伏;在 3.6 兆电子伏的典型检测效率大于 80%。检测伽马射线和 x 射线到 10 千电子伏典型透过窗户,通过案例 40 keV **。监测 4EC︰ 检测到 2.5 兆电子伏; 阿尔法在 3.6 兆电子伏的典型检测效率大于 80%。检测伽马射线和 x 射线到 10 千电子伏典型通过窗口 (非补偿),40 keV 通过侧壁。量程切换X1,X10,X100,电池检查。显示模拟仪表拥有全尺寸领域高达 100 X **读数。CPM / 先生/人力资源的规模。可用的可选寺规模米音频指标内部安装的呼叫器 (可以关闭为安静的操作)。电源要求9 伏碱性电池。约 2,000 小时。在正常的背景温度范围-20 ° 至 55 ° C (-4 ° 至 131 ° F)重量M4: 200 克 (7.1 盎司) M4EC: 224 g (7.9 盎司)产出出脉冲的 3.5 毫米插孔。大小209 x 71 x 50 毫米 (8.2 x 2.8 x 1.9 英寸)包括:手提箱带皮带夹有限的保修:1 年有限保修

SE International MC1K / Analog Radiation Detector - y xSE International MC1K / 模拟辐射探测器-y x新的 ergonimoc MC1K 是手持探测仪,使用内置的能量补偿通用探测器。它检测 γ 和 x 射线到 1000年先生每小时超过 4 的可选范围。蜂鸣声和计数灯闪烁与每个检测到的事件。探测器能源补偿卤素淬火通用管。经营范围X1 定位 0-1hr 先生或 0-.01 毫西弗/小时X10 的位置 1 10 先生/hr 或 0-.1 毫西弗/小时X100 的位置 5 100 先生/hr 或 0-1 毫西弗/小时X1000 位置 50-1000年先生/hr 或 0-10 毫西弗/小时MC1K 能量灵敏度检测到伽马射线和 x 射线到 40 千电子伏。响应是从 40 平伏了。正常的背景下,大约 4 CPM。精度通常 ± 15%以内的阅读 (铯 137)量程切换X1,X10,X100,X1000。音频指标内部安装的呼叫器 (可以关闭为安静的操作)。抗饱和米将举行充分规模高达 100 倍的**阅读的领域。电源要求9 伏碱性电池** 2000 小时在正常背景电池寿命电池使用寿命达 2000 小时处于正常本底辐射水平。温度范围-20 ° 至 55 ° C (-4 ° 至 131 ° F)。重量217 g (7.7 盎司)产出出脉冲的 3.5 毫米插孔。大小209 x 71 x 50 毫米 (8.2 x 2.8 x 1.9 英寸)选项执行案件 (包括),可选观察员串行软件有限的保修1 年有限保修

SE International Trimble Nomad / Ruggedized Portable Computing for The URSA-IISE International Trimble Nomad / 用于URSA-II坚固的便携式计算机SE International RECON Mobile ComputingKey Features:Outdoor rugged design certified to MIL-STD-810F and IP68Sunlight viewable touch screen displayMIL-STD-810F compliant and IP68 certification means improved solution reliability, lower cost to support and lower total cost of ownershipAll-weather durability means increased usability of product and higher end-user satisfactionLightweight (1.3 lb including battery)5000 mAh lithium-ion hot-swappable rechargeable battery provides up to 15 hours of use between charge cyclesWindows Mobile 6.1 softwareStandardized development platformInformation Systems Management easeBest platform for businessSupport for ten languages: English, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish806 MHz XScale processor, 128 MB SDRAM, 512 MB to 2 GB non-volatile Flash storageOne of the fastest processors in the Windows Mobile device market, made even faster with Trimble proprietary technologies for optimized graphics processing, advanced caching and high-speed journaling file systemNo moving parts enables robust performance in extreme temperature and vibrationIntegrated Bluetooth wirelessEasy connectivity to Bluetooth devices, including sensors, instruments and human interface devicesExpandability optionsCompactFlash (CF) Type II slot for more devicesSecure Digital (SD/SDHC) card slotUSB host (cellular data modem compatible)USB clientNumeric keypad12-month manufacturer warranty

RAP-RS1 / SEI Inspector EXP Replacement Probes - a ß y xRAP-RS2 / SEI Inspector EXP Replacement Probes - a ß y xRAP-RS1 / SEI Inspector EXP 更换探头 - a ß y xRAP-RS2 / SEI Inspector EXP 更换探头 - a ß y xDetectorExternal Halogen-quenched, uncompensated GM tube with thin mica window, 1.4-2.0 mg/cm2 areal density. Effective diameter of window is 45 mm (1.75 in.). Radiation symbol on probe head label marks the center of the detector.Which Detector Works With My Model of EXP?The RAP-RS1 fits the Inspector EXP and Inspector EXP Plus versions (SN# 27299 and lower).The RAP-RS2 fits the Inspector EXP with USB (SN#s 27300 and higher)Probe ConstructionAnodized aluminum housingSizeRAP-RS1 Approx. 8.75 X 1 in. (222 X 25 mm) Dia.: 2.75 in. (70 mm) RAP-RS2 Approx. 10.7 X 1 in. (272 X 25 mm) Dia : 2.75 in. (70 mm)ConnectorRAP-RS1: Amphenol-TucalRAP-RS2: BNCHandleBlack foam gripWeightRAP-RS1: Approx. 11.5 oz. (328 g) w/o cable RAP-RS2: Approx. 9.6 oz. (272 g) w/o cable

SE International Radiation Alert Area Monitor / Internal or External Detector Options - y xSE International 辐射警戒区监视器/内部或外部探测器选项 - Y XDetector OptionsInternally Mounted Energy Compensated GM DetectorExternally Mounted Energy Compensated GM Detector1X1 or 2X2 Externally Mounted Scintillation DetectorRange OptionsAM-7149: 0.2 - 16,000 mR/hr (2.0 - 160,000 µSv/hr) Using an Internally Mounted LND 7149 Energy Compensated GM Detector. External mounting also available.AM-7128: 15 µR/hr – 200 mR/hr (0.2 - 2000 µSv/hr) Using an Internally Mounted LND 7128 Energy Compensated GM Detector. External mounting also availableAM-71313: 0.1 to 1500 mR/hr (0.5 - 15,000 µSv/hr) Using an Internally Mounted LND 71313 Energy Compensated GM Detector. External mounting also availableAM-1X1NAI: 1 µR/hr to 500 mR/hr (0 µSv/hr – 5 mSv/hr) Using an Externally Mounted 1X1 NaI(Tl) Scintillation ProbeAM-2X2NaI: 0.1 µR/hr to 75 mR/hr (0 – 750 µSv/hr) Using an Externally Mounted 2X2 Nal(Tl) Scintillation ProbeTouch Screen Display4.3 inch TFT 480x272 touch screen display with user friendly Programmable Units of Measurement and Audio and Visual Alarms. 5-digit LED display with 2.5 cm (1 in.) character height. 65K true colors capable of displaying full color images, animations, icons, and video clipsDisplay UnitsCan display in R/hr, mR/hr, KR/hr, Sv/hr, mSv/hr, Sv/hr, cpm, Kcpm, cps, Kcps, and othersLinearityNIST Calibrated readings within 10% of true value with detector connected ResponseVaries automatically from 20 seconds to 2 secondsIndicatorsUltra-Bright Strobe and Audible AlarmCan trigger up to three relays with DB-9 serial connectionUSB VCP for computer data logging, can also be used to control the unit with use of remote software for alarm indication and acknowledgment (Silence by remote)Ethernet10 Base-T connection for use with remote software for alarm indication and acknowledgment (Silence by remote)Calibration ControlsFunctions accessible through touch screen push button under calibration cover enables secure access to changing settingsHigh VoltageUser adjustable from 200 to 1200 voltsDead TimeUser adjustable to compensate for dead time of the detector and electronics Power12 VDC wall mount adapter with four sets of international adapters for almost any style wall receptacleBattery LifeTypically 7.5 hours in non-alarm condition; 6 hours in alarm conditionBattery ChargerNiMH Battery is continuously trickle charged when the instrument is connected to line power and turned onConstructionEasy mount steel enclosureTemperature Range10 to 60 °C (14 to 140 °F)Size16.2 x 26.6 x 5.3 cm (6.4 x 10.5 x 2.1 in.) WeightConfiguration SpecificIncludesManagement software for use with networked area monitors, Base Unit, Power Supply, CD with Software and Operation Manual, Mounting Clips (External Versions Only), C to C Cable (External Versions Only). OptionsExternal Strobe and Horn, External Detector, NIST CalibrationLimited Warranty1 year limited warranty

SE International Mini-RadV / Vehicle Mounted Radiation Detector - ß y xSE International Mini-RadV / 车载辐射探测器 - ß y xDetector1.3 cm diam x 3.8 cm Cesium Iodide Scintillation detector with highsensitivity photo-multiplier tubeCalibrationAutomaticSensitivityAlarms at 55μrem/hr (~63μR/hr)Response TimeLess than 1 secondDisplayLarge LED indicators for in-cab viewingAlarmLoud audible alarm (with acknowledge button)Environment-10°F to 122°F (-23°C to 50°C). Operates in high RF and other harsh environmentsEnclosureExternal Sensor Housing Sealed waterproof and shock isolatedExternal Sensor Dimensions6.2” x 3.6” x 2.4” (245mm x 140mm x 95mm)External Sensor Weight1.25 lb (.57 kg)Warranty2 year parts and labor

The Frisker / Digital Radiation Detector - a ß y xThe Frisker / 数字辐射检测仪 - a ß y xThe Radiation Alert® Frisker is a radiation con***ination instrument that has been designed to meet the demands of today’s radiation responder. By integrating the latest electronics with a proven and dependable Geiger-Mueller detector, S.E. International has created a rugged, ergonomic tool that addresses a number of radiological applications.DetectorHalogen-quenched GM tube with thin mica end window. Mica window density 1.5-2.0 mg/cm2. Effective diameter of window is 45 mm (1.77 in.). Side wall is .012 inch thick.Operating RangeµR/hr - 1 to 50,000CPM - 0.0 to 175,000nSv/hr - 1 to 500,000CPS - 0.0 to 2500AccuracyTypically ±15% from factory. , ±10% (NIST).Energy SensitivityDetects Alpha down to 2 MeV. Detects Beta down to .16 MeV; typical detection efficiency at 1 MeV isapprox. 25%. Detects Gamma down to 10 KeV through the detector window. 3600 CPM/mR/hr (137Cs). Smallest detectable level for 125I is .02 µCi at contact.Anti-SaturationReadout will OVERRANGE in radiation fields as high as 100 times the maximum reading.AlertPulsating beeper sounds the alert. Adjustable alert levels are used for µR/hr / CPM, and nSv/hr / CPS. DisplayBacklit liquid crystal display with mode indicators.Count LightRed LED flashes with each count.Audio IndicatorSounds with each count (can be switched off for silent operation)Power RequirementsTwo (2) AA alkaline batteries. Battery life is approx. 200 hours at normal background radiation levels.Temperature Range-10° to +50°C (14° to 122°F)Weight217 g (7.7 oz.)Size276 x 44 x 64 mm (10.88 x 1.75 x 2.5 in.)IncludesCarrying CaseLimited Warranty1 year limited warranty

SE International Digilert 200 / Digital Radiation Detector - a ß y xSE International Digilert 200 / 数字辐射检测仪 - a ß y xNOW WITH FREE OBSERVER USB SOFTWARE !!The Digilert 200 measures alpha, beta, gamma, and x-rays. Its digital display shows readings in your choice of counts per minute (CPM), CPS, µSv/hr, mR/hr, or in accumulated counts. Now with USB and the included Observer USB Software, you can download your accumulated data from the Digilert200’s internal memory, set alarms, and calibrate your instrument!DetectorHalogen-quenched GM tube with thin mica end window. Mica window density 1.5-2.0 mg/cm2. Effective window diameter is .360 inch. Side wall is .012 inch thick.Operating RangemR/hr - .001 (1µR) to 200 mR/hrµSv/hr - .01 to 2000CPM - 0 to 214,000CPS - 0 to 3575Total Counts - 1 to 9,999,000 countsAccuracyTypically ±15% from factory. , ±10% (NIST).Energy Sensitivity1070 CPM/mR/hr referenced to Cs137Detects alpha down to 2.5 MeV; typical detection efficiency at 3.6 MeV is greater than 80%.Detects beta at 50 keV with typical 35% detection efficiency.Detects beta at 150 keV with typical 75% detection efficiency.Detects gamma and x-rays down to 10 keV typical through the window, 40 keV minimum through the case.Anti-SaturationReadout will OVERRANGE in radiation fields as high as 100 times the maximum reading.AlertPulsating beeper sounds the alert. Adjustable alert levels are used for mR/hr / CPM, and µSv/hr / CPS. Alarm will sound when in Timer Mode when set alarm threshold is reached.DisplayBacklit 4-digit liquid crystal display with mode indicators. Display updates every 3 seconds.Count LightRed LED flashes with each count.Audio IndicatorSounds with each count (can be switched off for silent operation)Outputs3.5mm jack for CMOS or TTL devices and counts to computer or datalogger. USB for use with Observer USB Software for PCsPower RequirementsOne 9-volt alkaline battery. Battery life is approx. 1200 hours at normal background radiation levels.Temperature Range-10° to +50°C (14° to 122°F)Weight217 g (7.7 oz.)Size150 x 80 x 31 mm (6.1 x 3.1 x 1.2 in.)IncludesCarrying Case, Observer USB Software Download, USB Cable, Certification of Conformance.OptionsXtreme Boot & StandLimited Warranty1 year limited warranty

SEI Inspector EXP / Digital Radiation Detector - a ß y xSEI Inspector EXP /数字辐射探测器 - a ß y xNow with USB and the free Observer USB Software, you can download your data from the internal memory, set computer alarms, and calibrate your instrument! The SEI Inspector EXP offers maximum performance in a lightweight, rugged solution for using your survey meter in the field. The SEI Inspector EXP is designed specifically for individuals operating in tough environments, such as 1st Responders, miners, and HAZMAT crews. The unit is a small, handheld, microprocessor-based instrument which offers excellent sensitivity to low levels of alpha, beta, gamma, and x-rays. The digital readout is displayed with a red count light and a beeper sounds with each count detected. Other features include an adjustable timer, external calibration controls, and selectable alert.DetectorExternal Halogen-quenched, uncompensated GM tube with thin mica window, 1.4-2.0 mg/cm2 areal density. Effective diameter of window is 45 mm (1.77 in.). Radiation symbol on front label and end panel marks the center of the detector. Additional features include backlight display, internal memory, built-in efficiencies for common isotopes, and free Observer USB Software.Operating RangemR/hr - .001 (1µR) to 100 CPM - 0 to 350,000µSv/hr - .01 to 1000 CPS - 0 to 5000Total/Timer - 1 to 9,999,000 countsAccuracy (Referenced to Cs137)Typically ±15% from factory, ±10% with NIST Source CalibrationEnergy SensitivityDetects Alpha down to 2 MeV. Detects Beta down to .16 MeV; typical detection efficiency at 1 MeV isapprox. 25%. Detects Gamma down to 10 KeV through the end window. 3340 CPM/mR/hr (Cs137). Smallest detectable level for I125 is .02 µCi at contact.Selectable Alert Set RangemR/hr .001 - 50 and CPM 1 - 160,000. 70db @ 1m. Pulsating beeper sounds the alert. Adjustable alert levels are used for mR/hr / CPM, and µSv/hr / CPS. Alarm will sound when in Timer Mode when set alarm threshold is reached.Anti-SaturationMeter will hold at OVER RANGE in fields as high as 100 times the maximum reading.Averaging PeriodsDisplay updates every 3 seconds. At low background levels, the update is the average for the past 30-second time period. The timed period for the average decreases as the radiation level increases.DisplayBacklit 4 digit liquid crystal display with indicators. Display updates every 3 seconds.Count LightRed LED flashes with each radiation event.Audio IndicatorInternally mounted beeper (can be switched off for silent operation)Outputs3.5mm jack for CMOS or TTL devices and counts to computer or datalogger.USB for use with Free Observer USB Software for PCsPower RequirementsOne 9-volt alkaline battery. Battery life is approx. 2160 hours at normal background.Temperature Range-10ºC to 50ºC (14ºF to 122ºF)Weight635 g (22.4 oz.)Size150 x 80 x 30 mm (5.9 x 3.1 x 1.2 in.)Probe: 260 X 70 X 25 mm (10.25 X 2.75 X 1 in)Probe ConstructionAnodized aluminum housingSize - Approx. 8.75 in. (22.23 cm) Dia.: 2.75 in. (7.0 cm)Connector - BNCHandle - Black foam grip IncludesCarrying Case, Observer USB Software Download, Certification of Conformance.OptionsSerial Observer SoftwareLimited Warranty1 year limited warranty

SEI Inspector Xtreme USB / Ruggedized Digiltal Radiation Survey Meter - a ß y xSEI Inspector Xtreme USB /坚固耐用数字核辐射测量仪 - a ß y xNow with USB and the free Observer USB Software, you can download your data from the internal memory, set computer alarms, and calibrate your instrument! The Inspector Xtreme USB offers maximum performance in a lightweight, rugged solution for using your survey meter in the field. The Inspector Xtreme USB is designed specifically for individuals operating in tough environments, such as 1st Responders, miners, and HAZMAT crews. The unit is a small, handheld, microprocessor-based instrument which offers excellent sensitivity to low levels of alpha, beta, gamma, and x-rays. The digital readout is displayed with a red count light and a beeper sounds with each count detected. Other features include an adjustable timer, external calibration controls, and selectable alert.DetectorInternal Halogen-quenched, uncompensated GM tube with thin mica window, 1.4-2.0 mg/cm2 areal density. Effective diameter of window is 45 mm (1.77 in.). Radiation symbol on front label and end panel marks the center of the detector.Operating RangemR/hr - .001 (1µR) to 100CPM - 0 to 350,000µSv/hr - .01 to 1000CPS - 0 to 5000Total Counts- 1 to 9,999,000 countsAccuracy (Referenced to Cs137)Typically ±15% from factory, ±10% with NIST Source CalibrationEnergy SensitivityDetects Alpha down to 2 MeV. Detects Beta down to .16 MeV; typical detection efficiency at 1 MeV isapprox. 25%. Detects Gamma down to 10 KeV through the detector window. 3340 CPM/mR/hr (137Cs). Smallest detectable level for 125I is .02 µCi at contact.Built-In EfficienciesSulfur (35S), Strontium (90Sr/y), Cesium (137Cs), Phosphorus (32P), Carbon (14C), Iodine (131I), Cobalt (60Co), and AlphaSelectable Alert Set RangemR/hr .001 - 50 and CPM 1 - 160,000. 70db @ 1m. Pulsating beeper sounds the alert. Adjustable alert levels are used for mR/hr / CPM, and µSv/hr / CPS. Alarm will sound when in Timer Mode when set alarm threshold is reached.Anti-SaturationMeter will hold at OVER RANGE in fields as high as 100 times the maximum reading.Averaging PeriodsDisplay updates every 3 seconds. At low background levels, the update is the average for the past 30-second time period. The timed period for the average decreases as the radiation level increases.Energy Response CurveDisplayBacklit 4 digit liquid crystal display with indicators.Count LightRed LED flashes with each radiation event.Audio IndicatorInternally mounted beeper (can be switched off for silent operation)Outputs3.5mm jack for CMOS or TTL devices and counts to computer or datalogger.USB for use with Free Observer USB Software for PCsPower RequirementsOne 9-volt alkaline battery. Battery life is approx. 1200 hours at normal background. USB-AC Adapter.Temperature Range-10ºC to 50ºC (14ºF to 122ºF)Weight454 g (16 oz.) without battery.Size150 x 80 x 30 mm (5.9 x 3.1 x 1.2 in.).IncludesXtreme Boot, Carrying Case, Certification of Conformance, USB Cable, Observer USB SoftwareOptionsWipe Test Plate, & StandLimited Warranty1 year limited warranty.

SEI Inspector USB / Digital Radiation Detector - a ß y xSEI Inspector USB/数字放射性检测仪 - a ß y xDetector:Internal Halogen-quenched, uncompensated GM tube with thin mica window, 1.4-2.0 mg/cm2 areal density. Effective diameter of window is 45 mm (1.77 in.). Radiation symbol on front label and end panel marks the center of the detector.操作范围:mR/hr - .001 (1µR) to 100CPM - 0 to 350,000µSv/hr - .01 to 1000CPS - 0 to 5000Total Counts- 1 to 9,999,000 countsAccuracy (Referenced to Cs137)Typically ±15% from factory, ±10% with NIST Source Calibration灵敏度:Detects Alpha down to 2 MeV. Detects Beta down to .16 MeV; typical detection efficiency at 1 MeV isapprox. 25%. Detects Gamma down to 10 KeV through the detector window. 3340 CPM/mR/hr (137Cs). Smallest detectable level for 125I is .02 µCi at contact.内置效率:Sulfur (35S), Strontium (90Sr/y), Cesium (137Cs), Phosphorus (32P), Carbon (14C), Iodine (131I), Cobalt (60Co), and Alpha可选择的警报设定范围:mR/hr .001 - 50 and CPM 1 - 160,000. 70db @ 1m. Pulsating beeper sounds the alert. Adjustable alert levels are used for mR/hr / CPM, and µSv/hr / CPS. Alarm will sound when in Timer Mode when set alarm threshold is reached.Anti-SaturationMeter will hold at OVER RANGE in fields as high as 100 times the maximum reading.Averaging PeriodsDisplay updates every 3 seconds. At low background levels, the update is the average for the past 30-second time period. The timed period for the average decreases as the radiation level increases.Energy Response Curve显示:Backlit 4 digit liquid crystal display with indicators.Count LightRed LED flashes with each radiation event.Audio IndicatorInternally mounted beeper (can be switched off for silent operation)输出:3.5mm jack for CMOS or TTL devices and counts to computer or datalogger.USB for use with Free Observer USB Software for PCs供电:One 9-volt alkaline battery (non-rechargable) or USB-AC Adapter. Battery life is approx. 1200 hours at normal background. 温度范围:-10ºC to 50ºC (14ºF to 122ºF)重量:273 g (9.6 oz.) without battery.尺寸:150 x 80 x 30 mm (5.9 x 3.1 x 1.2 in.).包括:Carrying Case, Certification of Conformance, USB Cable, Observer USB Software可选择:Xtreme Boot, Wipe Test Plate, & Stand质保期:1 year limited warranty

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